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New Orleans
Dog Bite Lawyers

Fighting For Justice: When Man’s Best Friend Takes a Chunk of Joy Out of Your Life!

Picture this: you’re enjoying a peaceful walk in your neighborhood when suddenly, out of nowhere, a dog lunges at you and bites you! The pain, the fear, and the confusion in that moment can be overwhelming.

Unfortunately, dog bite incidents happen more often than we’d like to think, and they can have devastating consequences. If you’ve experienced the terror of a dog bite in New Orleans, know you’re not alone.

At Hammond Law Firm LLC, we understand the emotional and physical pain resulting from a dog bite incident. If you or a loved one has been a dog bite victim in New Orleans, you deserve justice and fair compensation. Our dedicated team of New Orleans dog bite lawyers is here to provide the compassionate support and legal counsel you need during this difficult time.

We are committed to fighting for your rights and holding responsible parties accountable for their actions. Let us be your trusted advocates as we pursue the compensation you rightfully deserve for your dog bite injuries.

Contact our dog bite accident lawyers for a thorough case review & in-depth legal guidance, free of cost!

Our Practice Areas:

  1. Liability Assessment:

Determining who is responsible for the dog bite incident.

  1. Dog Owner Liability:

Holding dog owners accountable for injuries caused by their dogs.

  1. Strict Liability Claims:

Pursuing compensation based on Louisiana’s strict liability laws.

  1. Premises Liability:

Evaluating the responsibility of property owners or occupiers.

  1. Insurance Claims:

Assisting with insurance claims for compensation.

  1. Medical Documentation:

Collecting and analyzing medical records related to the dog bite.

  1. Settlement Negotiation:

Negotiating fair settlements with insurance companies or opposing counsel.

  1. Trial Representation:

Representing clients in court when a settlement cannot be reached.

Our practice areas cover the essential aspects of dog bite cases in Louisiana, ensuring that victims receive the necessary legal support and pursue rightful compensation.

If you need dependable assistance settling for damages or a litigation strategy, contact us today to schedule a free consultation!

What Injuries Constitute a Dog Bite Injury Case?

Dog bite cases may involve physical lacerations or puncture wounds that require medical attention. Even if the wounds don’t seem too serious at first, they can become infected and, in some cases, lead to rabies infection.

The ideal action at this stage is to collect photographic evidence of the injury and seek immediate medical attention. The following are some injuries one may sustain in a dog bite accident.

  1. Puncture Wounds: Deep, sharp bites that may require stitches or sutures.
  2. Lacerations: Cuts of varying severity that may need cleaning and suturing.
  3. Contusions and Bruising: Skin discoloration and swelling caused by bites.
  4. Soft Tissue Injuries: Damage to muscles, tendons, or ligaments resulting in pain and limited mobility.
  5. Nerve Damage: Injury to nerves leading to pain, numbness, or tingling.
  6. Infections: Risk of bacterial infections from dog bites, requiring medical treatment.
  7. Emotional and Psychological Trauma: Psychological distress, anxiety, and PTSD resulting from dog bite incidents.

If you or a loved one has experienced any of the above injuries in a dog bite accident, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention.

You should also consider speaking with a New Orleans dog bite injury lawyer who understands the law. The right legal representation can help you secure fair compensation for your losses and suffering.

What Should You Do After Being Bitten by A Dog?

In the event of a dog bite accident, it is essential to take certain steps to ensure the wound is not left untreated. At the same time, weighing your legal options and familiarizing yourself with the applicable New Orleans Dog Bite Laws is crucial.

Our knowledgeable dog bite accident lawyers at Hammond Law Firm LLC have extensive experience handling dog bite accidents. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Seek Medical Attention:

Get immediate medical care for your injuries and keep records of your treatment.

  1. Identify the Dog Owner:

Obtain the owner’s contact information and details about the dog.

  1. Gather Evidence:

Take photos of your injuries and the accident scene, and document any negligence.

  1. Document the Incident:

Write down a detailed account of the dog bite incident and any witnesses.

  1. Report the Incident:

Notify local authorities or animal control to create an official record.

  1. Preserve Evidence:

Keep physical evidence and retain all medical records and bills.

  1. Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer:

Get legal advice from a knowledgeable lawyer with experience in dog bite cases.

Remember, each case is unique, and the steps you need to take may vary based on the specific circumstances. Consulting with our dog bite attorneys will provide you with tailored advice and representation throughout your dog bite claim.

Do I Have a Dog Bite Injury Case?

In Louisiana, a dog bite case can be justified based on the legal concept of strict liability and the following circumstances:

1. Dog Owner’s Knowledge:

The owner knew or should have known that the dog had a propensity to bite or attack based on its prior behavior or aggressive tendencies. This can include instances where the dog has previously bitten or acted aggressively towards others.

2. Victim’s Lawful Presence:

The victim was lawfully present at the premises where the dog bite occurred. This includes public places or private property where the victim was authorized to be, such as a residence or business premises.

3. Lack of Provocation:

The victim did not provoke the dog or engage in any conduct that would reasonably cause the dog to attack or bite. Provocation can include actions such as teasing, tormenting, or intentionally antagonizing the dog.

It’s important to note that Louisiana follows the “one-bite” rule, meaning that the owner may not be held strictly liable for the first instance of a dog bite if they were unaware of the dog’s aggressive tendencies. However, subsequent bites or attacks may establish the owner’s knowledge and strict liability.

It is advisable to consult with a qualified personal injury attorney familiar with Louisiana laws, such as the Louisiana Civil Code, to understand the specific legal justifications and requirements for a dog bite case and to receive accurate legal advice tailored to your situation.

Schedule a free consultation with our New Orleans dog bite injury lawyers today!

Can My Dog Bite Claim Be Denied?

Yes, if certain conditions are not met, such as failing to prove the dog’s owner was negligent or if you do not have enough evidence to support your case. In addition, courts may deny claims based on comparative negligence—when both parties involved in an incident believe they share some of the fault for what occurred.

  1. Lack of Liability:

The case may be denied if it can be proven that the dog owner was not negligent or responsible for the incident. For example, if the victim provoked the dog or trespassed on the owner’s property without permission.

  1. Contributory Negligence:

If the victim’s actions contributed to the dog bite incident, their compensation may be reduced or denied. For instance, if the victim was teasing or harassing the dog or disregarded warnings or signs indicating the dog’s aggression.

  1. Assumption of Risk:

In some cases, the victim may have assumed the risk of being bitten, especially if they were aware of the dog’s aggressive tendencies or were engaging in activities where there was an inherent risk of a dog bite.

  1. Statute of Limitations:

Delaying filing a lawsuit within the specified time frame can lead to denying a dog bite case. Each state has its statute of limitations, determining the deadline for registering a dog bite injury lawsuit.

It’s essential to consult with an adept personal injury lawyer experienced in dog bite cases to evaluate your case specifics and determine the likelihood of success. They can guide you toward the best course of action and help you navigate any potential challenges.

Contact our dog bite attorneys for swift legal guidance and justice!

How Do I Recover Damages in A Dog Bite Accident Case?

Dog bites can result in serious injuries and leave lasting physical and emotional scars. If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog in Louisiana, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages.

However, that usually depends on how many legal paths lead to justice, and according to our dog bite accident lawyers, there are two ways to go about it:

  1. Insurance Claim:

The first path involves filing an insurance claim with the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance or renter’s insurance. If the dog owner has liability coverage, the insurance company may compensate the victim for their damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage.

  1. Lawsuit:

If the insurance claim is denied or the offered settlement is insufficient to cover the damages, the second path involves pursuing a lawsuit against the dog owner. In this case, the victim can file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for their losses. This may involve proving the owner’s negligence or strict liability based on the circumstances of the case.

It’s important to note that each case is unique, and the path to justice and recovery of damages may vary depending on the specific details and applicable laws.

Consulting with a knowledgeable dog bite lawyer who has experience with such cases can help in assessing the situation, determining the best course of action, and guiding the victim through the legal process to seek fair compensation.

What Kind of Compensation Is a Dog Bite Victim Entitled To?

In a dog bite accident case in Louisiana, a victim may be entitled to compensation for various forms of harm and losses. This includes reimbursement for medical expenses, such as treatment, surgeries, and therapy. They may also receive compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, scarring or disfigurement, property damage, and future damages related to long-term effects or disabilities.

Additionally, legal fees and costs may be recoverable. Seeking guidance from a personal injury attorney acquainted with dog bite cases, such as Hammond Law Firm LLC, can help ensure you understand your rights and seek appropriate compensation for your situation.

Contact us today to freely discuss your case and protect your legal rights.

Why Do You Need a New Orleans Dog Bite Lawyer?

Dog bite injuries can have serious physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Recovering damages from such incidents requires an experienced lawyer who understands the complexities of Louisiana dog bite laws and the case’s specific circumstances.

Here is how our dog bite attorneys can contribute to the complex legal process & secure compensation for damages suffered.

  1. Consultation with an Attorney:

Seek advice from a personal injury attorney proficient in dog bite cases.

  1. Investigation:

The attorney investigates the incident, gathers evidence, and assesses your injuries.

  1. Establishing Liability:

They next determine who is legally responsible for the dog bite based on negligence or other legal theories.

  1. Demand Letter:

The attorney prepares a letter outlining your injuries and damages, seeking a fair settlement.

  1. Settlement Negotiation:

Next, negotiations are carried out with the dog owner’s insurance company or legal representation for a fair compensation amount.

  1. Litigation (If Necessary):

Your attorney may recommend filing a lawsuit if a settlement cannot be reached.

  1. Trial and Verdict:

Your attorney presents your case in court, and a judge or jury determines the verdict and any awarded damages.

It’s important to note that the specific process may vary based on the unique circumstances of each case.

Working with our experienced dog bite lawyer will ensure that you navigate the legal process effectively and increase your chances of recovering damages for your injuries.

Contact Our Dog Bite Attorneys Today!

We’re Your Trusted Partner in Pursuit of Claim Resolutions for Canine-Inflicted Injuries

In the aftermath of a dog bite accident, it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and seek the justice and compensation you deserve. Dog bite incidents can have lasting physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Still, you don’t have to face the recovery process alone.

At Hammond Law Firm LLC, our compassionate team of legal professionals is here to guide you through the complexities of your case. We are dedicated to protecting your rights, advocating for your interests, and helping you rebuild your life.

With our successful track record in dog bite accident cases and our unwavering commitment to our clients, we will tirelessly pursue the justice and fair compensation you need to move forward. Let us be your trusted ally in the pursuit of a brighter future.

Contact us today for a free consultation and a full case review of your dog bite accident. Take the first step towards healing and resolution!

Why Choose Hammond Law Firm, LLC?

Our Experience Makes the Difference


Compassion Backed By Experience

With over 35 years of experience, we know this is a difficult journey - and will treat you with the care and compassion you deserve.

Dedicated Problem Solvers

When you put our investigative expertise to work, we'll dig deeper into the details than other attorneys - which makes the winning difference.

Respected in the Legal Community

With years of trial experience, we have long-established credibility with judges, insurance companies, and other attorneys.

Individualized Attention to Every Case

You'll work directly with one of our attorneys, who treat every client as their only client. No matter how long it takes, we'll see your case through.

Client Testimonials

Rave Reviews From Happy Clients

“They treated me like family, always welcomed me with a smile, and made sure that I received every dollar that I deserved.”
- Stephanie H.
“They treated me like family, always welcomed me with a smile, and made sure that I received every dollar that I deserved.”
- Stephanie H.
“They treated me like family, always welcomed me with a smile, and made sure that I received every dollar that I deserved.”
- Stephanie H.

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Experience, Knowledge & Determination

To learn more about working with an award-winning law firm that always puts clients first, contact us today for a free consultation. We are available nights and weekends and are eager to put our expertise to work for you.

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