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Should I Get Hurricane Windows?

Stay On Guard For Mother Nature’s Unpredictable Ways

Hurricane season is approaching, and you’re worried about protecting your New Orleans home. You remember the news stories every year – powerful storms tearing through Louisiana, leaving a path of destruction. Not only is the damage to property a major concern, but dealing with insurance companies after a hurricane can be a huge headache.

There is a way to lessen your hurricane anxieties and potential insurance claim troubles: hurricane windows.

Quick Summary:

  • Impact of Hurricanes on Windows and Homes. Windstorms and hurricanes can damage windows and doors even if there isn’t a break or complete detachment.  Professional analysis is needed to prove the extent of wind damage to windows and doors in an insurance claim.
  • What are Hurricane Windows: Hurricane windows are super strong windows designed to withstand hurricane winds and flying debris. They offer peace of mind by eliminating the need for storm shutters, but they can be expensive and may limit how much you can open your windows for ventilation.
  • Hurricanes in Louisiana: Louisiana residents face a constant threat of hurricanes, averaging one every 7-11 years. These storms leave a path of destruction, costing billions and causing frustrating insurance claim battles, especially for window damage. Protect your home and sanity with hurricane windows – they can minimize damage and the claim process hassle.
  • Hurricane Damage Insurance: Standard homeowners/business policies may not cover everything. Consider additional coverage for hurricanes in Louisiana. Separate flood insurance is required for storm surge, levee failures, and heavy rain water damage. Don’t wait until a hurricane hits to get covered. Insurance companies may use outdated pricing data, resulting in low payouts for repairs. Our attorneys can fight for the true value of your claim.
  • How Does a Lawyer Help? A lawyer can be your teammate in this situation. They know the ins and outs of insurance policies, like a secret decoder ring. They’ll fight to get you the money you deserve for your windows and take on the back-and-forth with the insurance company, so you don’t have to stress about it.

What are the Hurricane Season Woes?

Living in hurricane country means being prepared for strong storms. Hurricane windows offer protection from hurricane activities in Louisiana New Orleans without needing to put up shutters every time, but are they the right choice for your home? Let’s break down the pros and cons to help you decide.

How Does Hurricane Season Impact Residents and Homes?

Living in Louisiana, hurricane season brings a wave of uncertainty and stress. Every year, the news bombards us with images of powerful storms ripping through our state, leaving a trail of devastation. Beyond the initial worry for loved ones, the potential damage to your home can be a huge financial burden.

Here are some hurricane-related window damage.

  • Shattered Windows: Hurricane winds can easily break windows, leaving your home exposed.
  • Beyond Window Replacement: Broken windows become gaping holes, allowing wind-driven rain and debris to pour inside.
  • Domino Effect of Damage: Water intrusion can damage furniture, walls, and even ceilings.
  • Mold Growth Risk: Water damage creates a prime environment for mold growth, leading to further problems and even higher repair costs.

Dealing with insurance companies after a hurricane can be another headache. You have a deductible to pay, meaning you’ll be responsible for a portion of the repairs upfront. The processing times for claims can be long, leaving you waiting for a financial lifeline while repairs stall. And on top of all that, there’s always the worry that your insurance might not cover everything you need.

Understanding Hurricane Window Options and Insurance Implications

Ever boarded up your windows before a hurricane? Hurricane windows are like permanent storm shutters. They’re super strong and designed to take a beating from a storm. But are they worth the extra cost for your home? Let’s look at the different types and weigh the pros and cons to help you decide.

What are the Different Types of Hurricane Windows?

There are two main types of hurricane windows: impact and laminated. Impact windows are built tough, like tiny superheroes for your home. They can take a punch from strong winds and flying debris without shattering. 

Laminated windows have a special layer of plastic sandwiched between the glass panes. This makes them harder to break and helps hold the glass together even if it cracks.

Pros of Hurricane Windows:

  • Storm Prep Made Easy: No more scrambling to put up plywood boards before a hurricane. Hurricane windows are always on guard, ready to protect your home.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your windows won’t break during a storm can give you a sense of security and let you focus on staying safe.
  • Potential Insurance Discounts: Some insurance companies offer discounts for homes with hurricane windows.

Cons of Hurricane Windows:

  • Cost Upfront: Hurricane windows are more expensive than regular windows.
  • Less Ventilation: Some hurricane windows might not open as wide as regular windows, making it harder to get fresh air on nice days.
  • Not a Magic Shield: While strong, even hurricane windows can be damaged by very large objects or in a direct hit from a powerful storm.

Don’t let hurricane season turn into a financial nightmare. Invest in peace of mind with hurricane windows. Talk to a licensed contractor focusing on hurricane windows today! They’ll guide you through the process and help you choose the right protection for your New Orleans home.

What Does My Hurricane Insurance Cover?

Hurricane season brings storms, but also the worry of damage to your home. Thankfully, hurricane insurance can help! While every policy is different, understanding what typical coverage includes can ease your mind and prepare you for filing a claim if disaster strikes. Let’s explore the most common things covered by hurricane insurance.

What Does Hurricane Season in Louisiana Look Like?

In Louisiana, residents experience hurricanes once every 7 to 11 years. Hurricanes leave behind a path of destruction, racking up billions in damage claims. Its average cost racks up to billions, leaving many folks on the hook for repairs

Insurance companies may deny or undervalue window damage claims. Common denial reasons include improper boarding before the storm or pre-existing damage prior to disaster. Imagine the frustration of having your claim denied, especially when you’ve already been through the trauma of a storm. Fighting a denied claim can be a stressful battle, leaving you feeling lost and unheard.

What Can My Hurricane Insurance Replace at Home?

Here’s a breakdown of what your hurricane insurance might replace at home in the event of hurricane activities Louisiana New Orleans:

  • Roofs: Roof damage from ripped-off shingles or windblown debris is typically covered.
  • Broken Windows: If a flying object smashes a window, your insurance should help replace it.
  • Soaked Interiors: Rain entering through a damaged roof or window can cause water damage to walls, floors, and belongings. Hurricane insurance may cover repairs and replacements for these.
  • Missing Pieces: Detached siding, damaged gutters, or a wrecked fence due to the storm’s fury might be covered for repair or replacement depending on your policy.

Remember, every policy is different. It’s crucial to check your specific coverage details to know exactly what your hurricane insurance replaces.

How Do I File for Hurricane Insurance Claims in Louisiana?

After a hurricane blows through Louisiana, the last thing you want to deal with is mountains of paperwork. But if your house got damaged, filing an insurance claim can help you get the money you need for repairs.

  • Contact Your Insurance Agent, ASAP!: Don’t wait – call your insurance company as soon as possible. They’ll walk you through the claims process and get things rolling.
  • Document the Damage: Take lots of pictures and videos of the damage to your house, especially your windows. This will be important evidence for your claim. Make a list of everything that got broken or damaged too.
  • File Your Claim Officially: Your insurance company will give you instructions on how to officially file your claim. It might involve filling out forms online or mailing them in.


  • Keep all your receipts for repairs in case your insurance company asks for them later.
  • Be patient – processing claims can take time, especially after a big hurricane.
  • If you have any questions or problems, don’t hesitate to contact your insurance agent or the Louisiana Department of Insurance for help.

Having hurricane windows can make things easier. Since they’re built tough to withstand storms, they’re less likely to get damaged in the first place. That means less paperwork and stress for you down the line!

Why Do You Need an Insurance Lawyer for Hurricane Insurance?

Not everyone needs a lawyer for a hurricane insurance claim in Louisiana, but there are situations where a lawyer can be a big help. Here’s why:

  • Denial or Lowball Offer: If your insurance company denies your claim altogether, or offers you way less money than you think you deserve, especially for window damage, a lawyer can fight for you. They know the law and can argue your case to get you the coverage you’re entitled to.
  • Claim Complications: Insurance policies can be tricky things, full of fine print and hidden clauses. A lawyer can help you understand your policy and make sure you’re following all the rules to avoid any claim issues.
  • Going to Battle: Dealing with a denied claim can be stressful and confusing. A lawyer can take the weight off your shoulders and handle the communication and negotiations with the insurance company. They’ll be your champion, fighting for a fair outcome.

Think of it like this: Imagine you’re in a game against the insurance company, and the rules are kinda confusing. A lawyer can help with explaining the rules, making sure you get the compensation you deserve.

Protect Yourself By Getting Hurricane Windows When You Need It 

Hurricane windows are super strong shields for your home, designed to handle tough storms. They can replace shutters, save you time prepping for bad weather, and give you peace of mind knowing your windows won’t break during a hurricane. While they cost more upfront, the security and convenience they offer might be worth the investment.

Invest in your safety by talking to Hammond Law Firm, LLC. Our hurricane insurance claims attorney can help you get back on your feet after a disaster. Learn about what claims cover and quickly recover from this disaster. Apart from hurricane claims, our attorney can also help extensively with bad faith insurance claims, homeowners insurance claims, and business interruption claims.

Stand up strong from any disaster. Talk to us at Hammond Law Firm, LLC right this moment for a free consultation.

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